VOA Jazz Promoter Honored by US Congress – Voice of America


The United States Congress has proclaimed April 25 Willis Conover Day to honor a Voice of America broadcaster who spread American jazz music around the world during the Cold War.
The congressional resolution recognizes Conover and Voice of America for their “joint contribution toward spreading the language of Jazz and American cultural diplomacy.”
Conover called jazz “the music of freedom.” He began broadcasting in 1955, at a time when many Eastern European countries banned the musical style as dangerous and subversive. But his shows were extremely popular and an estimated 100 million people heard his broadcasts. Read more on the Voice of America website.

Портал ГоворитАмерика.us: Новые фотографии для Вас – FREE Photos – Конгресс США принял резолюцию, в которой 25 апреля объявлено «Днем Уиллиса Коновера» в память о легендарном ведущем джазовых программ «Голоса Америки».

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With Louis Armstrong at VOA (1955). Read more on the Voice of America website.

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