Will Voice of America Biden Video Change How Muslim Americans Vote?
USAGM Watch Commentary
This BBGWatch.com (USAGM – BBG Watch) video is about the Voice of America (VOA) Urdu Service one-sided social media presentation of a Joe Biden campaign video which violated the VOA Charter (U.S. law) and may influence how some Muslim Americans vote in the U.S. presidential election in November. The Voice of America Charter (U.S. Public Law 94-350) says that “VOA will represent America, not any single segment of American society, and will therefore present a balanced and comprehensive projection of significant American thought and institutions.” After several days on social media, the Voice of America removed the VOA Urdu Service Biden video. There are more than 390,000 Urdu speakers in the United States, many of them U.S. voters. Some of them follow VOA Urdu Service programs on social media and other Internet platforms. Is such partisan electioneering by VOA’s federal employees at U.S. taxpayers’ expense a threat to American democracy?
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