Tibetans and human rights supporters protesting at Sony in LA against silencing of Voice of America radio to Tibet


News Release
What: Protest at Sony Pictures Entertainment Global Communication
When: Friday, March 30, 2012
Time: 11:00 –12:00AM
Where: 10202 West Washington Blvd. Culver City, California 90232
In the past several months, the tragedy of series of self-immolation of Tibetan people happened in Tibet. Because of news blackout, few people know the truth. The cancellation of the Tibetan language radio service of the Voice of America (VOA) will worsen the condition of freedom of information for Tibetans in China.
We hope Mr. Michael Lyton, the CEO of Sony Pictures Entertainment Global Communications and the Presiding Interim Chair for the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), who supports VOA’s cuts, can change his mind and support the continuing of Tibetan radio service of VOA.
China Democracy Party
Visual Artists Guild
Local Tibetans from Los Angeles Area
James Zheng 626-227-4575
