Truth – peace loving Buddhist Tibetans deserve no less from the USA


This comment from Joseph Buday, a former Voice of America English Newsroom editor and manager, was made in response to a petition protesting the Broadcasting Board of Governors’ (BBG) plans to end VOA radio broadcasts to Tibet, to close down the VOA Cantonese Service broadcasting radio and TV to China, to eliminate 71 positions used to prepare VOA English news and programs, and to cut or reduce numerous other broadcasts, many directed to nations without free media.
Keep VOA Broadcasting The Truth
by Joseph Buday

During the darkest days of WWII (1944), our shortwave radio in my home (Hungary) attracted many listeners desperate to survive, including a French POW, a school teacher, who escaped from a German STALAG (POW camp).
VOA (and the BBC) were the only source of information and HOPE.
The peace loving Buddhist Tibetans deserve no less from the USA: keep VOA broadcasting the truth!!!
