The Dangerous World of Cold War Broadcasting | Richard H Cummings |

Share: Logo. Truckee, CA, USA, October 01, 2010 — Murders of journalists by intelligence services of dictatorial regimes and other enemies of free media have a long history and, unfortunately, still continue. The most active a lethal during the Cold War were Soviet agents operating in the West.
Richard H Cummings, author of Cold War Radio: The Dangerous History of American Broadcasting in Europe, 1950-1989 and the soon-to-be published Radio Free Europe’s ‘Crusade for Freedom’: Rallying Americans Behind Cold War Broadcasting, 1950-1960, has published another highly informative article in on the 1954 murder in Munich, West Germany, of Abo Fatalibey, the Radio Liberty Azerbaijan Service chief.
Read Richard H Cummings’s article in
