BBG Watch – One Million Hits Since Launch


BBG Watch One Million HitsBBG Watch, our little news and media freedom advocacy website, launched in September 2011 to save Voice of America broadcasts to China, has now reached one million hits.
Since our launch, we have helped to prevent the planned elimination of VOA broadcasts to both China and Tibet and focused the attention of the Broadcasting Board of Governors and the media on the crisis at Radio Liberty in Russia and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty in general.
BBG Watch has been quoted in mainstream U.S. media and on numerous websites and blogs. We were credited with breaking the Radio Liberty story.
BBG Watch is edited and published by volunteers, current and former U.S. international broadcasting journalists and supporters.
We thank you for your contributions and hard work.
But most of all, we thank our site visitors who make this whole project worthwhile.
Here is one comment we received last night, which made us appreciate the support we have had from the BBG Watch community.

“Congratulations! Looks like you will break one million hits mark today or tomorrow.
Great job! You have accomplished a lot and gave hope to little people at VOA, RFERL, and other BBG entities. Kudos to you!”
