GOP Alleges Corruption at Global Media Agency — National Review Writer’s Comments About USAGM


Corruption at Global Media Agency, alleged by Republicans in Congress, is analyzed in a National Review commentary.

Media Commentary

From National Review: GOP Alleges Corruption at Global Media Agency | National Review

“Unfortunately, congressional Democrats have remained aloof throughout what should be a bipartisan investigation, as Democratic members of the committee have chosen to sit this one out. Meanwhile, the Biden administration is either openly enabling this misconduct or oblivious to the potential harm to the reputation of news outlets that are supposed to shine as beacons of hope for millions across the globe.”

By Jimmy Quinn, a William F. Buckley Fellow in Political Journalism at National Review .

READ MORE of National Review commentary: GOP Alleges Corruption at Global Media Agency | National Review, November 5, 2021

ALSO READ: Biden favorite to run Voice of America parent agency could face trouble with Senate GOP by Paul Farhi, The Washington Post, October 28, 2021
