Bad Management At Voice of America and USAGM Starts At The Very Top


USAGM Watch Commentary by Former VOA English and VOA Foreign Language Reporters

Voice of America central English newsroom and VOA language services have in recent years been the focus of a number of scandals under the watch of current acting U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM) CEO Kelu Chao. From 2016 to mid-2020, Chao was one of the two top aides of former VOA Director Amanda Bennett seen in this 2016 VOA photograph with Chao (middle) and the then agency head John Lansing.

In 2018, as reported by the former BBG Watch, 15 staffers in VOA’s Hausa service which broadcasts to Nigeria and Hausa speakers elsewhere in West Africa were fired after the agency determined they had accepted bribes.

The story was picked up widely by Nigerian and other media, as reported in The Observer forcing VOA to “use a network of contractors and part-time contributors, all of whom will receive ethics training.”

In VOA’s French to Africa service, during the run-up to the 2020 presidential election, a video that contained pro-Biden content was allowed to remain online for nearly two weeks before finally being taken down and edited.

Internal emails obtained by BBG Watch showed that Africa division managers described this as a “tolerable mistake”.  

By the way, in the end, sources report that no action was taken against the person involved despite cautions to staff about the need “be very careful [e]specially when covering elections in the USA or elsewhere” and reminding that “[VOA’s] charter and journalistic code don’t allow us to take sides.”

The latest scandal is described in an article by Nick Turse in The Intercept reports on allegations by reporter Jason Patinkin that VOA acted essentially as a propaganda outlet for the Ethiopian government.

Patinkin has new tweets and retweets in which he and another former Voice of America journalist make various allegations against Acting VOA Director  Yolanda López who was in charge of the VOA newsroom under Amanda Bennett and was elevated to her current job by Chao. Former VOA reporter Ayen Grace Bior tweeted, “It is a crisis of bad management that starts at the very top.”

It would be one thing if The Intercept article covered only complaints by Patinkin about VOA coverage of Ethiopia.  Also cited are no fewer than 12 other “current and former VOA service chiefs, reporters, and staffers, as well as outside experts [describing] violations of basic journalistic standards in VOA’s coverage of Ethiopia stretching back decades. 

Acting USAGM CEO Kelu Chao previously held the position of the VOA Program Director for many years.

ALSO READ: Senator Bob Menendez questions USAGM acting CEO’s decision to appoint Sylvia Rosabal as Director of the Office of Cuba Broadcasting, USAGM Watch

ALSO READ: Voice of America Delayed For Five Days Posting Story on Senator Menendez Criticism of USAGM CEO OCB Appointment, USAGM Watch
