BBG meeting shortened, Klose to report on RFE/RL in closed session


Dec. 2012 Meeting of the BBGBBG Watch has learned that due to expected absences of some Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) members, the February BBG meeting, originally scheduled for two days, February 21-22, will now be only a one-day meeting on February 22. The time for the portion of the meeting open to the public has not been yet announced.
BBG Watch has also learned that the new acting president and CEO of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) Kevin Klose is likely to give his initial report to the Board in a closed session due to sensitive nature of matters dealing with Radio Liberty in Russia and RFE/RL management he is expected to discuss. This may be an indication that Klose will propose major personnel and programming policy reforms for BBG members to evaluate.
If, as expected, BBG Interim Presiding Governor Michael Lynton and one more member do not attend the February 22 meeting, the BBG will lack a quorum and members will not be able to vote on any decisions.
BBG members have been repeatedly criticized for missing board meetings. Some of those who were most absent have resigned last year. Michael Lynton has missed some meetings before and left others early.
