BBG has work to do, union says


Reposted from the AFGE Local 1812 website.
AFGE Local 1812
Work To Do
We thought we would sift through the initial results of the OPM Employee Viewpoint Survey to identify some of the key areas that need to be corrected. We made a list of all those questions in which the response rate was less than 50% positive. Agency management claims that it is eager to work with employees to promote a better workplace. We suggest that it review this list to better grasp the areas that need work and to get an idea of the measures that will need to be taken to really improve morale.
I have sufficient resources (for example, people, materials, budget) to get my job done 33.6%
My talents are used well in the workplace 49.3%
I can disclose a suspected violation of any law, rule or regulation without fear of reprisal 44.1%
My training needs are assessed 41.8%
My work unit is able to recruit people with the right skills 34.8%
Promotions in my work unit are based on merit 28.1%
In my work unit, steps are taken to deal with a poor performer who cannot or will not improve 26.6%
In my work unit, differences in performance are recognized in a meaningful way 29.9%
Awards in my work unit depend on how well employees perform their jobs 36.3%
Employees have a feeling of personal empowerment with respect to work processes 32.7%
Employees are recognized for providing high quality products and services 39.9%
Creativity and innovation are rewarded 31.9%
Pay raises depend on how well employees perform their jobs 15.9%
Policies and programs provide diversity in the workplace (for example, recruiting minorities and
women, training in awareness of diversity issues, mentoring) 49.7%
Arbitrary action, personal favoritism and coercion for partisan political purposes are not tolerated 39.0%
I recommend my organization as a good place to work 46.2%
I believe the results of this survey will be used to make my agency a better place to work 47.6%
In my organization, leaders generate high levels of motivation and commitment in the workforce 32.0%
My organization’s leaders maintain high standards of honesty and integrity 40.4%
Managers communicate the goals and priorities of the organization 43.3%
Managers review and evaluate the organization’s progress toward meeting its goals and objectives 44.1%
Managers promote communication among different work units (for example, about projects,
goals, needed resources) 40.0%
Managers support collaboration across work units to accomplish work objectives 44.9%
Overall, how good a job do you feel is being done by the manager directly above your immediate
supervisor/team leader 48.7%
I have a high level of respect for my organization’s senior leaders 43.0%
Senior leaders demonstrate support for Work/Life programs 42.7%
How satisfied are you with your involvement in decisions that affect your work 40.0%
How satisfied are you with the information you receive from management on what’s going on in
your organization 36.6%
How satisfied are you with the recognition you receive for doing a good job 42.0%
How satisfied are you with the policies and practices of your senior leaders 31.9%
How satisfied are you with your opportunity to get a better job in your organization 25.6%
How satisfied are you with the training you receive for your present job 45.0%
Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your organization 43.9%
How satisfied are you with the following Work/Life programs in your agency? Child Care Programs
(for example, daycare, parenting classes, parenting support groups) 40.8%
How satisfied are you with the following Work/Life programs in your agency/ Elder Care Programs
(for example, support groups, speakers) 46.0%
Posted: Wednesday, Nov 07, 2012
