Confused IBB and BBG bureaucracy grows at the expense of strategy, national interests and public diplomacy


Confused IBB and BBG bureaucracy grows at the expense of strategy, national interests and public diplomacy

By Quo Vadis (Marie Ciliberti)

Of late, a lot of confusion at the BBG, IBB, and all of U.S. international broadcasting. Confusion about the actual VOA mission codified in the VOA Charter and passed into law P.L.94-350, confusion about the actual distinct role of surrogate radio as opposed to VOA. Foreign policy guidelines? A thing of the past. National security and the national interests of the USA? No significance. Public diplomacy interests minimized. A whirlwind of excuses, finger-pointing, justifications, an onerous bureaucracy, dismal management policies, wrong-headed research, he said/she said/we said. A veritable Tower of Babel. All epitomized in this classic comedy skit of Abbott & Costello. Who’s on first…..

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Marie Ciliberti