HOWL – VOA journalist's view of management – Part Two: Reality Check


A Voice of America journalist who uses a pen name Mary Jane has posed this problem:
As we stand on the precipice of collapse, crumbling and leaderless, fearing for our jobs while simultaneously wishing to be released from this torturous slow decay, a keen look at our so-called management is due.
Mary Jane promised to provide that look in several installments.
The series is titled “HOWL.”
Part Two – Reality Check

Yes, our content is bad.  It is bad because our stunningly incompetent management believes in the self-delusional mantra of “original content” as a product reality.
Reality check, gentlemen, VOA does not have a single cameraman on staff outside of Washington, DC. We do not have original news (English language video) content.
It is bad because international bureau assignments are not made according to skill or understanding of a rapidly changing media environment, but rely on internal politics.
It is bad because no one watches our programming with the critical eye of an experienced broadcaster, in fact, no one on the third floor watches our programming at all. It is bad because the rank and file is led by those who have never practiced journalism; those who set no standard except for political survival in a bureaucratic environment.
Here’s an idea – let’s show to David Ensor the best original content (television news in English) of the previous day, every morning, at the 9:30 meeting. Let him see how many minutes (?) of quality television content VOA produces on a daily basis. Perhaps then he will question the cool-aid drinkers who shamelessly promote our so-called high-quality original content. You will see the 3rd floor yes-men scurry like rats, desperately trying to find some product, anything, to show him.
