Victor Ashe Annoys Peers, says Knoxville's Metro Pulse, quotes from

BBG Governor Victor Ashe and VOA Director David Ensor meeting with VOA China Branch employees - BBG photo
A Knoxville magazine website Metro Pulse quoted from in its report about Broadcasting Board Governor Victor Ashe’s unprecedented one-man campaign to reform the federal agency in charge of U.S. international broadcasting.
Metro Pulse reported that “A blog [ report: U.S. official Victor Ashe calls for keeping a radio facility capable of reaching China] that covers the BBG called Ashe’s public dissent ‘unprecedented’ by a member since the members, appointed by the president, do not publicly criticize the running of the agency.” Metro Pulse pointed out that Ashe, who is a former mayor of Knoxville and former U.S. Ambassador to Poland, has been visiting various BBG broadcasting entities and meeting with employees. The report suggest that Ashe “can be expected to continue to be a thorn in the side of his colleagues.”
The article mentions Ashe’s statement in support of keeping open a radio transmitting facility on U.S. territory capable of broadcasting to China.
Metro Pulse also noted Ashe’s successful intervention to make flu shots available to contract employees working at the Voice of America (VOA). “Ashe said the flu does not discriminate between civil service and contract workers. So the flu shots were extended,” Metro Pulse reported.
Read full Metro Pulse story.