Window on Eurasia: Moscow Using Soviet-Era Tactic to Penetrate, Control Opposition Groups

Share: Logo. & Free Media Online Blog, February 12, 2009, San Francisco — Vienna, February 11 – Pro-Kremlin groups are regularly inserting into the ranks of opposition groups spies who “just like in old times” are writing denunciations and generally informing their control officers about what is going on, according to a detailed article in this week’s “New Times” magazine.
In an article entitled “The Seksots of the 21st Century,” Ilya Barabanov and Yekaterina Savina say that “the lexicon of the times of the all-powerful KGB” – including terms like “seksot [secret co-worker],” ” agent,” and “observer” – is once again becoming part of political discourse in Russia. More in Dr. Paul Goble’s Window on Eurasia
