Senator Brownback Introduced Legislation That Would Abolish the Broadcasting Board of Governors

Share: Logo. & Free Media Online Blog  September 24, 2008, San Francisco — U.S. Senator Sam Brownback (R-KA) introduced legislation that would establish the National Center for Strategic Communications, an agency similar to the now defunct U.S. Information Agency.
Senator Sam Brownback.Brownback’s proposal would abolish the existing Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy at the State Department and the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG). Their functions would be transferred to the new National Center for Strategic Communications where they would be managed by single director.
The current Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, James K. Glassman, was formerly chairman of the Broadcasting Board of Governors. In that position, Glassman voted to eliminate Voice of America (VOA) radio programs to Russia, Georgia, and Ukraine. Link to Brownback Introduces Public Diplomacy Legislation.
